Several thousand people have read my ebooks; they are listed on Apple, Sony, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Diesel & Kobo (Negotions are currently underway with Amazon). Have a look at the links, download a copy and you'll see my cover artwork too. I did it all with Adobe Photoshop CS3 & CoolEdit 3D!

911 was an event burned into the retina of the world's mind's eye. In this well researched novel; truth is mixed with hunches, hunches are mixed with theory lastly cloak and dagger is mixed with smoke and mirrors so the truth becomes less about what you can see and more about what you cannot see... and why... This novel, 1012, presents truths that hitherto have only been whispered by shadows..
Ancient Future
Based on a true story; the past meets the future. A young Maori boy saves the dignity of his tribe and in the process learns about his place in life. Fooled by the tyranny of history he is confronted with the invaluable mass of the truth. In coming to grips with his past he solidifies his steps into the future...
Paint Or Be Painted
How cool would it be if you got back at those that "did you wrong"? Well, Jim (the main character) sets out to do exactly that, to show that Occam's razor will eventually just slit the throat of those that hide behind it. Using his brains to counter brawn he "paints" his nemeses into a corner of their own making!
Super-Duper Dog Day
Based on a memory from when I was 5 and had just started school. Although a few minor details have been changed: the story follows what I did. I remeber crawling on the grass verges as the concrete footpaths hurt my knees. I even remember chasing a cat at one stage! Not bad for 35 year-old memory!
Now, a piece of gossip only for readers of this blog: I'm working on a new novel that is going to be my best yet!

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