
I thought it was about time I introduced you to my novel, which has the working title of "10/12". 10/12 is based on the events of September the 11th, 2001 (9/11); where Al Qeada terrorists' flew full passenger airliners into the twin towers of the U.S. World Trade Center; the Pentagon and finally crashed a fourth passenger airliner into Pennsylvania farm land.

At the time of the actual attacks, we had a guest asleep in the spare room and I could not sleep so I hopped on my computer and went into a chatroom. Someone typed that a plane had flown into a building, thinking it was an accident I took no further notice. A while later another person said that a second plane had also been flown into another building, with another 27 planes thought to be hijacked too; America was under attack! In fact, some people went one step further and were saying that World War 3 had begun.

It took another three hours of searching for media outlets outside the U.S. to verify the attacks and while there were only four plane involved the destruction was mind numbing. The footage of the World Trade Centers' collapsing are a sight I will never forget. It is an iconoclastic image, like U.S. President John F. Kennedy being so publically assassinated.

The basis for the novel takes a simple premise: What if?

The novel itself entailed a massive amount of research. Out of respect for the over 3000 men and women that died because of the attacks, I fealt it was extremely important to get the indisputable facts as accurate as possible.

The novel weaves many sub-plots into the main plot. For example, the main character, Ben Asher, was a secret service agent, one sub-plot describes how he left 'the service' and how it shaped the personality he has. Another sub-plot describes how Ben and his sister Diane are reunited after years of estrangement.

I don't want to give away the entire plot of 10/12 but the novel throws in several twists that will leave you guessing until the very end... Maybe even beyond...


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